Date: Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 8:05 AM
Subject: Contributions to SaiLights Magazine
To: Balu Karanam <>, Aruna Suvendran <>, Krishna Ramoutar <>, Sri Jeevaprakash <>, Kumuthini Coomarasamy <>, Malla Singh <>
Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,
Please forward this message:
Loving Sairams to All! I hope you have all had a chance to enjoy the summer and are staying well.
With Swami’s abundant Grace, and your steady and timely support, we have completed a year of SaiLights! We were able to offer Volumes 1, 2, and 3 directly at the Maha Samadhi; we thank Swami profusely for this great blessing.
Now we turn our attention to Volume 4 of this united, collaborative effort: the Birthday issue planned to be offered to Swami on November 23, 2022. A special request: In the guidelines that follow, you will see that Item 3 is a contribution we are soliciting from Center members. Please explain to devotees this request from the SaiLights team, and keep it on their radar screens with timely reminders. It is a way for all of us to reflect on Swami’s presence in our day-to-day lives and thank Him! Thank you for doing that.
Guidelines for Volume 4 of SaiLights, magazine of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC), Zone 1
What is the deadline for contributions?
Monday, October 10, is the deadline for all contributions. By Swami’s Grace, we will offer the publication to Swami on November 23, 2022, Swami’s 97th Birthday.
What will Center contributions consist of?
Please see below the contributions requested from Center Presidents and Center members
Contributor |
Submission |
Format |
Length |
Comment |
Center President |
1. Submit as part of your quarterly report: (instructions will be forthcoming) |
Report |
Per Report |
§ Please submit good quality photos
Center President |
2. “In Focus”: A closer look (detailed description) of one or two activities you would like to showcase |
Text |
Two paragraphs, or 200 words per activity |
§ You could highlight an initiative that stands out for some reason (for example, because it is of large scale, or innovative, or not done before, or very successful, etc) |
Center members |
3. A personal experience, regarding “Sai-incidence”, as opposed to coincidence (Center Presidents to please communicate this request to members) |
Text |
200 words |
What does the SaiLights team want from Center members?
SaiLights to Center members: We would like to hear from you of any personal experience relating to a “Sai-incidence.” Have there been times when something unexpectedly went your way? When you were searching for something and about to give up, and what you were looking for turned up from the blue? When you expected to be very late for an important meeting, and suddenly the meeting itself was postponed? And in such instances, did you brush it off as good luck or a coincidence—or did it strike you that it may be a “Sai-incidence”, where our beloved Swami was giving you a break, helping you out, or perhaps even saving your life? Please share with us your “Sai-incidence” story: it will be a wonderful way to thank Swami, on His Birthday, for being ever present in our lives! Please keep your writeup to about two paragraphs or 200 words. Thank you!
What is the submissions link?
Please use this form for submitting your contributions:
How to contact the SaiLights team?
Please write to
Nothing pleases Swami more than when, together, we all unite to support, contribute, and inspire each other as we make an offering to Him. It is our privilege to share this information with each other, with other Zones, with Prasanthi Nilayam, and with all earnest spiritual aspirants in our communities and around the world. So let’s put in our best for Swami, as you have been doing, and launch our Volume 4 work with sincere prayers to Him!
Loving Sairams
Axay Kalathia
Zone 1 Chair